
All animatable UITK properties are support by XI. XI also provides the ability to animate/interpolate xi custom properties (such as --xi-background). For this, use the --xi-transition property, which you can find more documentation on here: Styles.

Custom Style Animation

Supported animatable values:

  • Float properties
  • Background (linear-gradient)


Delayed Style Update

Styles are not updated immediately after changing class list, so in order to detect changes, each value that is transitionable is read and recorded on update and when changed from a previous value, will trigger an animation.

Intermediate Animation Change

Remember, animations can re-occur in the middle of a transition, switching from an intermediate value to another target. In these cases, the animation needs to know where to “pick up” from so that it can continue a smooth transition while using the appropriate easing function and an expected duration. The solution used here will be to determine “location” within animation from the current value relative to the source and target value. This location will be used only to determine how much time is left for the animation. (Not sure if this is the best, but it’s the only alternative I can think of besides finding inverses for all easing functions)

XI - Copyright © Jonathan Lacombe